Hi! I am Constance Walcott also known as Connie C. Walcott and my journey began in 2016 as a Computer Science Educator in my home country Jamaica. In 2018 I took on the challenge of teaching abroad. This was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done in my entire life but I was ready to take on new experience as an educator. This is how I ended up in Kuwait where I taught for three years as a computer science/ICT Educator, after which my passion for Technology and Instructional Design has led me to my new role here at BBS as a technology integration coach.
My goal as an educator has Always been to inspire my students. Being an educator is more than just imparting knowledge, It is a lifestyle. I say this because Education does not start or end with the classroom and so we have a responsibility to prepare our students to function in a world where technology advances every day by helping them to become critical thinkers and problem solvers.
When we inspire our students everything else will fall into place, as our students will feel safe and motivated to learn. Below are a few things I normally do to inspire my students:
Conduct a learner analysis to get to know my students and identify their learning needs.
Share your experiences.
Allow students to share and connect the subject content to experiences in their day to day lives.
Collaboration is important at all levels [teacher to teacher, teacher to students, student to student both in peers and small groups], this way we are always Learning from each other.
Give students a sense of control and responsibility that will help them to become independent and also to find solutions on their own.
Strive to make your lessons fun and engaging through technology integration.
Pay attention to data and give feedback to encourage student growth.
As we take on new challenges, I encourage us to be a source of inspiration and motivation for our students so that they can become their best selves.
