I will let you in on my secret… it’s simply being a Kindergarten teacher!! Being with kids just makes you feel young, keeps that adrenalin pumping with oodles of energy.
That’s me Susan Rueben, in the photograph just gliding along with my students. I’ve been a teacher as long as I can remember – 11 years at BBS and 7 years back in India where I hail from.
Did I miss not having tried my hand at any other profession- the answer is NO!! I am a teacher at heart. And it is my commitment to bring out the bounty of potential – the hope, the promise in each student. To add to this, I am the third generation educator in my family.
As for my hobbies, I used to be an addictive Fiction reader but can’t find time to read as much.
However, these days I have a passion just to meet up with old school friends and have those heartwarming reunions. So much so that I’ve traveled miles, planned get-away weekend to resorts, flew across oceans just to rub shoulders and buddy up again. Made some wonderful memories!
To share one particularly powerful moment in my teaching experience is this warm, tight hug I received from this little boy who said,” Ms. Susan, you are the best teacher I have ever had.”
I go on to say,” You sure? I am not very nice all the time. There are days when I can be firm or even have to raise my voice to be heard”
Student,” But that’s ok, Ms. Susan. I still love you.”
That brought tears to my eyes. It was a reminder that as a teacher you not only give lessons to your students, you give a part of yourself- with your time, energy or emotion. And I guess the students sense that.
This is truly one of the wisest investments you will ever make – exchange your skill for their understanding.
I have carried this book ‘Minute Motivator for Teachers’ in my bag now for 8 years or so. Quick Inspirations that I’d like to share with my colleagues.
But before that, the Word that inspires me is from the Bible Hebrews 6:19- ‘His promises should greatly encourage us to take hold of the hope that is right in front of us. This hope is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls.’
Teacher inspiring quotes-
Determine to Love-
Nothing you do for children is ever wasted. Garrison Keillor
Team Building-
Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford
Be yourself-
What the teacher is, is more important than what one teaches. Karl Menninger
Value the potential of each student-
Everyone is to be valued and made to feel worthwhile. Mary Vaughn
